Beccah G. Case Study

In July 2023, Beccah signed up for 1:1 coaching with Coach Laura Savino to improve her health and gain muscle.

She had started strength training with Paragon Training Methods a year prior after focusing on cardio for the majority of her life. She wanted to learn the ins and outs of building muscle and how to do it herself so she didn’t have to be a client forever.

She had been through a few coaching programs and was finally looking to build the skills and knowledge to DIY it.

Additionally, she’s a digital nomad, so we had living abroad in Spain and have surgery post-Thanksgiving to workaround.

Her Periodization plan

Here’s the plan Beccah and Coach Laura developed to help her achieve her goals.

Via 1:1 Coaching:

July 2023: Built foundations

August - November 2023: 12-Week Muscle Building Phase in Spain.

December 2023: Surgery Recovery, Maintenance

Via EPN Cohorts:

January - March 2024: 12-Week Fat Loss Phase (before heading back to Spain)

Her Progress Photos & Measurements

The proof in in the photos:

Beccah’s progress photos from the start of working with coach Laura, to the end of her surplus, to the end of her fat loss phase with the cohort.

Circumference Measurements

Beccah's photos and measurements cement that she achieved her goals. The images show a leaner, tighter version at the same bodyweight, which marries with circumference measurements down across the board. This proves that we built additional lean tissue during the surplus phase and removed primarily body fat in the deficit, leading to a leaner physique at the same body weight.

So what’s next?

While Beccah achieved her physique goals, she has now pivoted to enjoying life and chasing some performance goals while living in Spain.

April 2024: Maintenance Phase

  • Spending the month of April working back up to the top of her maintenance range, while enjoying living in Spain

May - July 2024: Performance Maintenance

  • Beccah will be biking through Spain this summer and will be enjoying all the carbs Spain has to offer while strategically fueling for her bike rides :)

Beccah’s key takeaways

The Data Works if you are honest.

  • Having a time limit allows you to hyper-focus on your goals.

  • Laura is a data wizard and can help you become one, too.

  • appreciate my body more after this process.

  • The cohort experience was amazing. We were a group with different ideas, bodies, and opinions, sharing insight and laughing with each other.

  • I am proud of the work I’ve put in and the knowledge I’ve gained.


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