about coaching

$299 / mo



Our 1:1 coaching program offers a highly personalized experience tailored to your individual goals and circumstances. Here's what you can expect from our 1:1 coaching:

  • Your coach will work closely with you to set specific macro goals based on your unique needs and preferences. This personalized approach ensures that your nutrition plan aligns perfectly with your goals.

  • Enjoy regular one-on-one sessions with your dedicated coach. These calls provide an opportunity to dive deep into your progress, address challenges, and receive personalized guidance and support.

  • Your coach will provide thorough feedback and recommendations based on a detailed review of your food logs. This ensures that your meals are well-crafted to support your goals.

  • Stay connected with your coach via text messaging, allowing you to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive support when you need it most.

  • Benefit from in-depth coverage during your weekly check-ins, where your coach will review your progress, provide insights, and offer actionable recommendations for ongoing success.

$149-225/mo paid in full for the cohort



Our group coaching program offers a supportive community environment combined with expert guidance. Here's what you can expect from our group coaching cohorts:

  • Guided by your coach during a group call, you'll receive specific parameters to set your macros. This approach provides tailored guidance while benefiting from the collective knowledge and support of the group.

  • Comprehensive educational calls where you'll receive guidance and insights relevant to the entire cohort.

  • While individual food log reviews are not included in group coaching, your coach will provide guidance and parameters on how to evaluate your own logs via the calls and weekly education drops. This will equip you with the knowledge to evaluate your own logs.

  • Enjoy access to our cohort group app, where you can engage with your coach and fellow participants. Office hours are available for additional support and guidance.

  • Group coaching offers lite check-ins reviewed by your coach, allowing you to receive feedback and self-guided feedback to track your progress effectively.


1:1 vs. Group Cohorts

Group coaching is ideal for individuals who:

  • Feel intimidated by 1:1 coaching and prefer the supportive group environment.

  • Don't feel they need the level of individual support offered in 1:1 coaching.

  • Want to hone in on their data independently but with the guidance and support of a coach.

  • Face financial barriers that make 1:1 coaching less accessible.

1:1 coaching is suitable for individuals who:

  • Would find value from personalized 1:1 calls regarding their specific life situation, challenges, and goals.

  • Prefer a more hands-on approach when it comes to setting their goals.

  • Require additional support in food log review and crafting solid meals.

  • Prefer the 1:1 environment and desire more access to a coach.

  • Often our 1:1 clients transition into the group program after 3-9mo when they feel ready for it