carb loading during a marathon

Carb loading application

Whether you’re gearing up for a marathon, a cycling race, or a weightlifting competition, your body’s performance depends largely on the fuel you provide it.

You’ve probably heard of carb loading before, or maybe even tried it once or twice. If you played sports in high school, I bet you remember heading over to one of your teammate’s houses for a pre-game pasta night or something similar. Ring a bell?

The actual strategy of “carb loading” is a bit more complicated than that (if you want to do it “right”), although the main concept of the pasta night is still right on target.

Carb loading involves increasing your carbohydrate intake in the days leading up to an event to optimize energy stores (aka glycogen in the muscles). This blog post will delve into the science behind carb loading, its benefits, and how to effectively implement this strategy for both races and weightlifting events.

We apply this concept during all of our performance nutrition cohorts and build individualized plans for each person’s race or competition day. A reminder that carb loading is VERY individual, based on a ton of factors.

The science

Carb loading involves manipulating the intake of carbs in the days leading up to an event or intense training session.

Primary goal = maximize muscle glycogen, the body's stored form of glucose & a crucial energy source during prolonged exercise.

Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy. They’re stored in the form of glycogen in your muscles and liver. When participating in endurance activities like races or intense weightlifting sessions, your body taps into these glycogen stores for energy. Carb loading aims to maximize these stores, giving you a readily available source of energy to perform at your best.

Eating adequate carbs for high-intensity and high-volume training is paramount for optimal performance-based outcomes. Think about it like loading your muscles with all of the glycogen possible so that you can be as powerful and as mighty as possible when it’s time to show what you’ve got.

It’s important to note that the carb intake required for a carb-loading strategy should not be equal to your normal carbohydrate intake regularly. This is because loading carbs like this usually requires us to decrease our fat intake slightly, which is not optimal for long-term health. 

Why We love carb loading

  • Enhanced Performance: Carb loading can significantly improve your endurance and performance. Having ample glycogen stores delays the onset of fatigue and allows you to maintain a higher level of effort for a longer duration.

  • Delayed Fatigue: For endurance athletes, such as runners or cyclists, carb loading can delay the point at which muscle glycogen becomes depleted. This postpones the onset of fatigue, helping you maintain a strong pace throughout the event.

  • Improved Strength and Power: Even weightlifters can benefit from carb loading. Increased glycogen levels can enhance muscle contractions, leading to better strength and power output during intense lifting sessions.

different carb loading strategies

  • Tapering Exercise: In the days leading up to the event, reduce the intensity and duration of your training sessions. This allows your muscles to rest and glycogen stores to increase.

  • Increase Carbohydrate Intake: Gradually increase your carbohydrate intake, focusing on complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Aim for around 7-12 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight per day during the loading phase.

  • Distribute Intake: Spread your carbohydrate intake throughout the day, incorporating them into every meal and snack. This steady supply of carbs optimally refills glycogen stores.

  • Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is crucial for carb loading to be effective. Water helps transport carbohydrates to muscles and supports overall performance.

  • Avoid Sudden Changes: Don’t drastically change your diet right before an event, as it might lead to digestive discomfort. Start carb loading a few days in advance.

  • Reduce Fiber Intake. You might want to reduce your fiber intake slightly to reduce any potential issues of digestive distress before maxing out. This includes reducing your overall cruciferous vegetable intake and eating more fast-digesting carbs.

5-Phase Carb Loading Strategy

This sample carb-loading strategy is based on a typical endurance-based event. For a weightlifting event such as a max-out week, we might instead use a taper-week style carb-loading strategy, in which we increase carbs by 3 to 5 times our normal intake for an entire week leading up to our main performance or peak week.

Phase 1 – Days preceding competition: 

  • 3 Days Out: 2x normal carb intake

  • 2 Days Out: 3x normal carb intake

  • 1 Day Out: 3x normal carb intake

Phase 2a – 4 hours prior to competition: 
1-4g/kg BW in carbs

Phase 2b – Within 1 hour of competition: 
1g/kg BW in carbs

Phase 3 – During Competition:
30-90g carbs per hour

Sodium Intake (During Competition):
300-600mg per hour of activity

Phase 4 – Post Competition:
Eat 2x your daily carb intake in additional carbs throughout the afternoon/evening

Fluid Intake (Post-Competition):
Weigh yourself before the event and weigh yourself after the event
– Drink 1.25-1.5L of water for every 2lbs lost post-event

Phase 5 – Day After Event: 
Eat 2x normal carb intake for the day after the event, then go back to normal intake 2-3 days following the event, depending on sleep and soreness.

Carb Loading Food Options

Liquids: fruit juices, smoothies, & Gatorade/electrolyte drinks

Starches: white or sweet potatoes, white rice, low-fiber breakfast cereal, white bread, white pasta, bagels, cream of wheat, cream of rice, tortillas, oats, pretzels, animal crackers, Nature Valley bars, Kodiak Cakes pancake mix or frozen waffles, English muffins with fruit jelly, Simple Mills crackers, Alyssa’s Healthy Oatmeal bites, fig bars

Fruit: bananas, oranges, watermelon, applesauce, dates, pineapple

Other: honey, maple syrup, gummy candy, Greek yogurt, energy gels or blocks 

Avoid: creamy sauces, muffins, crackers, chips, cookies, pizza, baked goods, ice cream, French fries, donuts, high-fiber protein/energy bars, beans, broccoli, chickpeas, chia seeds


Carb loading is a strategic approach that can significantly impact your performance in races and weightlifting events. By optimizing your body’s glycogen stores, you provide yourself with the energy needed to excel and push through the challenges of the competition.

Remember, carb loading is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so it’s essential to experiment during training to find the right strategy that works best for your body. Individual carbohydrate needs can vary based on factors such as training intensity, duration, and body composition.

With the right combination of training, nutrition, and rest, you can harness the power of carb loading to achieve your personal best in any event.


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