How do I start a muscle building calorie surplus?


And how do I track data to stay building?

step 1: What's your target calorie goal?

1) Determine your goal rate of body mass gain per month

2) If that's 1 lb/mo then:

take 3500* cal / 28 days = 125 cal surplus**

*3500 calories roughly = 1lb of body mass gained

** We'll use 28 days instead of 30/31 because it divides into 4 weeks evenly

step 2: eat your surplus consistently

1) For the first 2 weeks eat at that surplus goal +/- 50 calories

2) Weigh-in 5-7 times per week

For Example:

If your starting maintenance calories are 2300, you would aim to eat 2375 - 2475 per day to hit a weekly average of your 2425 calorie surplus target.

step 3: Track Weekly averages

1) Build a basic spreadsheet that tracks weekly average calories and weigh-ins

2) You may want to add a column for weekly rate of change

3) You may want to add a column for weekly goal weight

In this example 1lb / mo = 0.25lb per week

step 4: assess

In this Scenario:

After the initial gain from added calories (glycogen and water), weight increase stalled, so we will increase targets for the next week by 125 cals, and re-asses in 2 weeks.

real life scenario data

real life scenario Results

16 Week Bulk

  • Increased calories 4 times after experiencing metabolic adaptation

  • Gained 3.9lbs of body mass

    • Likely 1.9 - 2.8 lbs of muscle

    • Likely 1.0 - 1.9lbs of fat

  • Top end maintenance calories increased from 2,300 to 2,675

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